Thursday 20 August 2009

Not at all to do with diet and/or exercise...

On this day, I sincerely hope that those Brits and North Americans and all those of us who live in our safe, Western world who are too lazy to vote or who don't care that they even have a vote or who don't think it'll make a difference, take heed of what's happening in Afghanistan today, right this very instant. The Afghan people are voting for only the second time to elect their leader, and all this under the sincere and very real threat of the Taliban "we will not think twice about killing anyone involved in this election". The very least threat is having your finger cut off having dipped it indelible ink to prove you've voted. Such brave people that are voting. Really made me think today.....we should pray protection over the elections today. Or if you're not someone who prays, think good vibes!

That is all...
BFP xo xo


Cole Walter Mellon said...

A very timely and heartfelt message. Thanks for sharing it.

Bare It All said...

Thank you for reminding us of what other people are having to go through. I don't understand how they are capable of such amazing things... :)